How to avoid disappointment

Occasionally we get clay shooters turning up and expecting to shoot English Sporting or Skeet on a non Open Shoot day. We hate to disappoint anyone, so here’s what you need to know.

Shooting school

We are primarily a shooting school and are open for pre-booked lessons and have-a-gos, coaching and for pre-booked groups of four or more, every day of the week except Tuesdays. Our usual hours are 10am to 3.30pm.

Contact us to make a booking.

Open Clay Shoots

We also hold Open Clay Shoots every Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday, with Engligh Sporting, Skeet and Tiger Tower typically all laid on for you.

There is no need to book onto Open Shoots. Just turn up - the gates open at 10am for a 10.30am start. Last entry is 2pm. Pay in the Clubhut. You can also buy cartridges (cash only) and borrow ear defenders, eye protection and caps (no charge) if you have not brought your own. The cafe is open on Open Shoot days offering hot and cold drinks, snacks and Jen’s legendary, all-day breakfast rolls.

Resident gunsmith

Our resident gunsmith Ed Hawkes is on-site most days. You can drop in anytime during Open Shoots. On other days call Ed to book gun-fit sessions or to arrange to come see him about a repair, service or restoration.

Hopefully, that is all clear but if you do have queries, just get in touch. The last thing we want is disappointed shooters!