Autumn Open Shoot Dates

Open Shooting All Weekend

We’re trying something new this autumn we’re sure you clay shooter are going to love.

Starting this weekend, 9th and 10th of October 2021, we will be open every Saturday AND Sunday for clay shooting - but with a twist.


Open Skeet Saturdays will offer exclusively Skeet, Down-The-Line and the Tiger Tower

These are all great fun and a quite different challenge to sporting - and don’t worry, we will be on hand to guide you through the rules if you’re new to them or need a refresher.

By popular request, we will also be putting on 50 Sporting.


Open Sporting Sundays will offer exclusively English Sporting - 50 or 100 shots

(Note - no Skeet or DTL)

Our opening hours stay the same: we open at 10am for a 10.30am start with last entry at 3.30pm.

The Clubhouse cafe will be open both days for hot and cold drinks, snacks and Jen’s famous all-day breakfast rolls.

No need to book. And last but by no means least, please remember - no plastic wads, fibre wads only.

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